Wednesday 20 June 2012

Thank you, my dearest friend.

My dearest friend, OCM.

I send you all the thanks my heart can conceive, or my pen can express, for your many troubles and cares taken for me, which - though they have not taken effect as you wished - yet my debt is to you never the less; but pay it I never shall in this world.

1.           Thanks for being my friend
2.           Thanks for being the best colleague I've ever had
3.           Thanks for never losing your temper with me
4.           Thanks for noticing even the smallest error in my works
5.           Thanks for treasuring our time in DisneyWorld together
6.           Thanks for giving me an opportunity to do things my own way
7.           Thanks for bringing over your homemade kuih siput
8.           Thanks for explaining the rules of AGM and EGM so I would know what was going on
9.           Thanks for helping me plan my works
10.        Thanks for keep reminding me about my outstanding works
11.        Thanks for wearing a watch during our trip to DisneyWorld
12.        Thanks for not expecting a miracle from me
13.        Thanks for sharing juicy gossip/hot news with me
14.        Thanks for understanding before I say a word
15.        Thanks for the wonderful dinner at Planet Hollywood
16.        Thanks for making me laugh, or sometimes cry
17.        Thanks for going through boring sports club's AGM with us
18.        Thanks for our hilarious Dinoland moments
19.        Thanks for helping us fill up the share transfer forms
20.        Thanks for bringing the cookies and chips
21.        Thanks for never scream too loud when we went through Haunted Mansion
22.        Thanks for knowing when to listen
23.        Thanks for the Saturday afternoon movies session
24.        Thanks for bringing over breakfast for our nasi lemak session
25.        Thanks for the long talks
26.        Thanks for my birthdays present
27.        Thanks for punch in my attendance card whenever I late
28.        Thanks for your patience during our shooting time at DisneyWorld.
29.        Thanks for finishing my works when I on medical leave
30.        Thanks for taking night-walk with me at Disney Downtown
31.        Thanks for sharing your thoughts, dreams and senses
32.        Thanks for sharing your opinion about our Staff Performance
33.        Thanks for being my wonderful travel companion
34.        Thanks for covering me when I was late/not around
35.        Thanks for loving me just the way I am
36.        Thanks for not making me feel like a third wheel
37.        Thanks for making me feel special in our department
38.        Thanks for the excitement we had travelling around the world at Epcot
39.        Thanks for being the most honest person I know
40.        Thanks for sharing your travel experiences with me
41.        Thanks for sharing your dreams, fears and chocolate with me
42.        Thanks for bringing me back to reality
43.        Thanks for giving me something to look forward to
44.        Thanks for not complaining about the 24 hours gruelling flight to Orlando.
45.        Thanks for always knowing the right thing to say
46.        Thanks for attending courses and then share the knowledge with us
47.        Thanks for never saying 'I told you so"
48.        Thanks for accepting me for who I am
49.        Thanks for asking about my health condition
50.        Thanks for not being angry when I didn’t finish my works on time
51.        Thanks for laughing at my jokes
52.        Thanks for dancing with me in Mannequin, Pleasure Island
53.        Thanks for comforting me when I'm depressed
54.        Thanks for always being there
55.        Thanks for helping us move to our new department
56.        Thanks for making our department a better place
57.        Thanks for being my strictest confidante
58.        Thanks for never being condescending
59.        Thanks for helping me with our Boss birthday party
60.        Thanks for sharing the fun and scary elevator at MGM Studios with me
61.        Thanks for your present at my birthday party
62.        Thanks for wishing me 'Get Well Soon'
63.        Thanks for joining the Pangkor trip with me
64.        Thanks for your Hari Raya cards
65.        Thanks for watching Anna & the King with me
66.        Thanks for the Chinese New Year goodies
67.        Thanks for staying up with me till midnite on our last day at DisneyWorld
68.        Thanks for never leaving me out of a conversation
69.        Thanks for encouraging me to apply for a better job
70.        Thanks for giving me advices
71.        Thanks for helping me clean our new department twice
72.        Thanks for helping me learn the Companies Act
73.        Thanks for remembering
74.        Thanks for trying out Disney’s weird  dishes with me.
75.        Thanks for caring about what is important to me
76.        Thanks for watching Disney Downtown fireworks with me
77.        Thanks for understanding me
78.        Thanks for watching fireflies with me
79.        Thanks for going out of your way to be nice
80.        Thanks for always telling me what I need to hear
81.        Thanks for suggesting the best restaurant
82.        Thanks for telling me the best jokes
83.        Thanks for being my calm in the storm
84.        Thanks for giving me comfort and strength
85.        Thanks for helping me find missing files
86.        Thank for your support
87.        Thanks for taking the time to find our what is really important to me
88.        Thanks for not being two-faced
89.        Thanks for never saying hurtful things, even accidentally
90.        Thanks for valuing my opinion
91.        Thanks for your forgiveness
92.        Thanks for not laughing when I cried when I know that you are leaving
93.        Thanks for staying and helping me for 5 years
94.        Thanks for being my muse
95.        Thanks for pushing me to be my best
96.        Thanks for all the souvenirs you brought back from your vacation
97.        Thanks for wishing me 'Happy Birthday' four times
98.        Thanks for getting wet with me at Kali Rapids River
99.        Thanks for reminding me that with all its faults, this is a beautiful world we live in
100.     Thanks for being you

Hope your new adventure filled with joy, love and peace.

Khalid Idris

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