Friday 8 June 2012

Do you often use this SMS/Chat terms?


Chat term: BBFN.............Bye Bye for now
Chat term: BEG..............Big evil grin
Chat term: BF...............Boy friend
Chat term: BSG..............Big silly grin
Chat term: DLTBBB...........Don't Let The Bed Bugs Bite
Chat term: DK ..............Don't Know
Chat term: EMSG.............E-mail MeSsaGe
Chat term: FYI..............For Your Information
Chat term: G................Grin
Chat term: GF...............Girl Friend
Chat term: GFN..............Gone For Now
Chat term: GHM..............God Help Me
Chat term: GHP .............Good Hand Partner
Chat term: GHY..............God Help You
Chat term: GSM..............God Save Me
Chat term: GMBO ............Giggling My Butt Off
Chat term: GMTA ............Great Minds Think Alike
Chat term: GTSY ............Glad To See You
Chat term: H&K's ..........Hugs and Kisses
Chat term: HABU ............Have A Better 'Un
Chat term: HAGN ............Have A Good Night
Chat term: HAGU ............Have A Good 'Un
Chat term: HHIS ............Hanging Head In Shame
Chat term: IC ..............I See
Chat term: IGP..............I Gotta Pee
Chat term: IMO ............In My Opinion
Chat term: IMHO ...........In My Humble Opinion
Chat term: IRL .............In Real Life
Chat term: IWALY ...........I Will Always Love You
Chat term: JK ..............Just Kidding
Chat term: JMO .............Just My Opinion
Chat term: JTLYK ...........Just To Let You Know
Chat term: KIT .............Keep In Touch
Chat term: KOTC.............Kiss On The Cheek
Chat term: KOTL ............Kiss On The Lips
Chat term: L8R .............Later
Chat term: L8R G8R .........Later 'Gator
Chat term: LHM .............Lord Help Me
Chat term: LHY .............Lord Help You
Chat term: LHU .............Lord Help Us
Chat term: LMAO ............Laughing My Ass Off
Chat term: LMHO ............Laughing My Head Off
Chat term: LOL .............Lots of Laughing/Lots of Love/Laughing out Loud
Chat term: LSHMBIB .........Laughing So Hard My Belly Is Bouncing
Chat term: LTNS ............Long Time No See
Chat term: LTM .............Laughing To Myself
Chat term: LYWAMH...........Love You With All My Heart
Chat term: LY ..............Love You/Love Ya
Chat term: Moof ............To be disconect from server
Chat term: NP ..............No Problem
Chat term: OIC .............Oh, I See
Chat term: OL .............Old lady
Chat term: OM ..............Old Man
Chat term: OTTOMH ..........Off The Top Of My Head
Chat term: PDS ............Please Don't Shoot
Chat term: PM ............Private Message
Chat term: PMFJI ..........Pardon Me For Jumping In
Chat term: PMP .............Peed My Pants
Chat term: POAHF ...........Put On A Happy Face
Chat term: poof ............left the chatroom in a puff of smoke
Chat term: PTB .............Powers That Be
Chat term: QSL .............Reply (adopted from HAM Radio jargon)
Chat term: QT ..............Cutie/Q-Tip
Chat term: ROTFL............Rolling On The Floor Laughing
Chat term: ROTFLMAO......... " ...My Ass Off
Chat term: ROTFLMAOAY....... " ...At You
Chat term: ROTFLMAOAUTS..... " ...And Unable To Speak
Chat term: ROTFLMAOWTIME.... " ...With Tears In My Eyes
Chat term: ROTFLMBHO........ " ...Laughing My Bloody Head Off
Chat term: RTSM ............Read The Stupid Manual!
Chat term: SFETE ...........Smiling From Ear To Ear
Chat term: SHID ............Slaps Head In Disgust
Chat term: SO .............Significant Other
Chat term: SWAK ............Sealed With A Kiss
Chat term: SWALK ...........Sealed With A Loving Kiss
Chat term: SWL..............Screaming With Laughter
Chat term: SYS .............See You Soon
Chat term: TA ..............Thanks Again
Chat term: TOY .............Thinking Of You
Chat term: TOYWL............ " ...With Love
Chat term: TOYWLOL.......... " ...Lots of Love
Chat term: TTFN.............Ta Ta For Now
Chat term: TTYL.............Talk To You Later
Chat term: TY...............Thank you
Chat term: VBG .............Very Big Grin
Chat term: WB...............Welcome Back
Chat term: WTH .............Who/,What the Heck/,Hell?
Chat term WTG .............Way To Go
Chat term: YBS .............You'll be Sorry
Chat term: YWC .............Your WelCome

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