Tuesday 26 June 2012

Happy Birthday Yours Truly.. 26 June.

red velvet cake - bought by my frens.

A birthday to remember

I wish you a new world where you can find great happiness.

I hope the road leads you through sunlit countryside.
May no river be too deep to wade, no rock be too difficult to climb.
Adventures. Surprises.
And the attainment of your dreams - your secret hopes. The gifts we cannot give.

May you never cease to find new possibilities in life and in yourself.
May you hold a quietness inside yourself that nothing can destroy.
May this year be exactly the way you’d like it to be.

What can I wish for you on your birthday that’s better than the usual things?
Opening the curtains in the morning and finding snow.
The first few drops in rain printing the dust of drought.
Window ablaze with sunset.
A heron slow fanning across the evening sky,
A door that opens on the dear familiar things.
The smell of spring.
Thing you already have.
But always new.
The gift of days.
The gift of life.

I wish you great joy on your birthday,
I wish you astonishment, laughter, song and talk and hugs and kisses.
May every day to come hold good surprises, unexpected joys.
May your every wish come true!

I wish you star-studded skies,
a blackbird singing to the dawn, diamond-bright spider webs, rainbows in the grass and the slow, sweet spreading of light.

I wish you health and joy and excitement and discovery.
This year, next year - forever.

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