Tuesday 26 June 2012

Stress?? dont be.

Stress is bad for your mental and physical health. Let me tell you few ways to reduce stress.

*Notice something about nature every day. Feeling connected to our
world is part of any spiritual practice. Even if you live in the
city, you can notice the sky, the phase of the moon, the shape of a

*Laugh, since studies have shown that laughter actually strengthens
your immune system.

*Take deep breaths spending some time each day focused on deep
breathing. Stress has long been known as a significant contributing
factor in disease progression of all kinds. Incorporating a program
of breathing exercises during stretching will increase oxygen flow
and promote relaxation.

*Soak a washcloth in hot water, wring it out and scrub your body.
Keep it hot, scrub vigorously. You will stimulate flow in your
lymphatic system, remove dead cells, open up your pores to aid in
release of toxins. And it just feels so invigorating.

*Count 10 things you are grateful for every day to help reinforce a
positive attitude about your life.

*Focus on chewing your food because such "conscious chewing" forces
you to slow down, pay more attention to what you are eating and be
in the moment. So sit down and take time to chew and enjoy a good
nourishing meal.

*Have a massage. Even if you don't have time or the money for a
professional massage, partner with a friend and give each other
shoulder, back and neck massages. It's easy to do with no need to
undress (unless you want to!) and a great way to release stress in
an area where many of us tend to hold it.

*Practice "journaling" which is daily "stream of consciousness"
writing, not keeping a diary. Start writing about whatever is on
your mind, letting the thoughts flow as they come in order to tap
into your unconscious, resolve confusion, anger or frustration about
issues, and stimulate creative thinking.

*Meditate or pray daily. There are a variety of types of meditation,
but they all involve quieting the mind, giving it a break from the
usual ceaseless chatter. Many people say they don't have the time or
the inclination to sit and meditate or to pray, but you can bring
mindfulness to your everyday activity and achieve similar stress
reducing results.

*Clear up unresolved relationships. Anger or resentment toward family
or friends festers in our emotions and bodies; trying to find
forgiveness and making amends is more for your benefit and health
than for theirs.

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