Tuesday 29 May 2012

Three ways to leave your lover. Bye bye love!!

There is no way to end a relationship without someone's feelings being hurt. But when you know your relationship's not going anywhere, it's much kinder to end it, rather than let a person you don't love continue to date you with stars in their eyes.

Even if you hate to hurt people, keep in mind that you're doing them a favor in the long run by allowing them to find someone who might actually think their annoying little habits are cute instead of, well, annoying.

So how do you move on gracefully while preserving both your dignity and that of your date's? These three tips will show you the way:

1. Soften the impact
There's no reason for your break-up to be vicious. Have an adult conversation and consider the news from your date's perspective:
  • Sometimes, little white lies like "Someone important from my past has come back into my life, and I'd like the opportunity to revisit that relationship" spare your soon-to-be ex's ego a bit.
  • Likewise, "I just don't feel comfortable getting involved in a serious relationship right now" puts the burden of the relationship's failure on you, in the other person's eyes.
  • The truth hurts, but it can be couched in sensitive terms. "I just don't feel it's working between us," may invite some discussion or even some argument, but it will give you a chance to air your feelings. Be prepared, though, because it will give your ex a chance to share feelings too.
2. Stop the drama
Some people just can't take no for an answer. It's not only uncomfortable, but it can be downright frightening.
  • Avoid conversation. If your online service has privacy preferences, set yours so you can't receive instant messages from your ex and he or she can't see when you're online, at least until hurt feelings have healed. If you're not too attached to your screen name, change it. If you don't want to do that, avoid chat rooms your ex may frequent.
  • This applies to the offline world too: Avoid places where your ex tends to hang out. If you have mutual friends, be sensitive about their feelings and try not to get them too involved. If there's a party, find out if your ex is invited. You may want to make other plans."
  • Some exes crank up the drama-meter by resorting to slander, threats and other desperate attempts to hold on to a relationship when nothing else works. Don't allow anyone to make you responsible for their own life choices.
3. Be a class act
Ending a relationship is never easy, but minding your manners during the break-up helps both you and your ex in the end.
  • Don't trash your ex. It makes you look bad and bores new dates.
  • Don't lead your ex on. Even if it seems kind, it's cruel. Let him or her get on with life, just as you're getting on with yours.
  • Don't assume that all men or women will do the same things your ex did. If you're hostile toward relationships, take a breather until you feel able to approach new relationships with a fresh attitude.
When you're ready to deal with the dating world again, have no fear! Finding a quality date is a lot easier than you remember!

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