Monday 14 May 2012

Khalidris personality

I did some personality checking with RCI PEAKS. and here is their evaluation:
"You exhibit a compelling Purpose, dynamic Energy, uplifting Affirmation to others, visionary or futuristic orientation to Knowledge & robust Sustainability
You are bubbling with creative energy, imagination and zest for new and varied experiences!
You are a highly imaginative person who constantly dreams up ideas for tomorrow. If properly managed, your visionary outlook will produce creative innovations for future success. For you, the sky is the limit! You value your innermost feelings and those of others, whether they be positive or negative ones. You are open to exploring broad and innovative alternatives, energized by change and thinking "out of the box" when others around prefer the tried and tested. You are exceptionally open to new intellectual ideas and possibilities, ever ready to learn and understand new things and to birthing new concepts. You are open to reevaluating traditional values and beliefs and would serve as an excellent promoter for culture change.
Compared to the masses of people who score on Knowledge, you are unusually creative and open-minded. You represent the top 24% of test takers in the world who have this unique combination of personality characteristics. "

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