Thursday 31 May 2012

Ari Rang (korean and english lyrics)


Arirang, Arirang, Arariyo...                            Arirang, Arirang, Arariyo...
Arirang gogaero neomeoganda.                      Crossing over Arirang Pass.
Cheongcheonghaneuren byeoldo manko        Just as there are many stars in the clear sky,
Urine gaseumen kkumdo manta
                    There are also many dreams in our heart.

Arirang, Arirang, Arariyo...                            Arirang, Arirang, Arariyo...
Arirang gogaero neomeoganda.                      Crossing over Arirang Pass.

Arirang, Arirang, Arariyo...                            Arirang, Arirang, Arariyo...
Arirang gogaero neomeoganda.                      Crossing over Arirang Pass.
Jeogi jeo sani Baekdusaniraji                          There, over there that mountain is Baekdu Mountain,
Dongji seotdaredo kkonman pinda                 Where, even in the middle of winter days,

Jeogi jeo                                                                           flowers bloom

Kimchi - fermented pleasure

Kimchi (Korean: 김치), also spelled gimchi, kimchee, or kim chee, is a traditional fermented Korean dish made of vegetables with a variety of seasonings.There are hundreds of varieties of kimchi made with a main vegetable ingredient such as napa cabbage, radish, scallion or cucumber.

my first kimchi, did it myself.

Kimchi Recipe
How to make kimchi, the ingredients used for this recipe are:

2 large Chinese Cabbages
230g rock salt

Kimchi Sauce:
10 tablespoon of fish sauce
10 tablespoon of red pepper powder
1 onion
4-5 cloves of garlic
1 oriental pear
1 tablespoon of salt
1/2 tablespoon of sugar
small touch of ginger
4 spring onion
Start by Cutting the Chinese Cabbages in to chunks, and then soak in plenty of water and add about 180g of salt. Leave this to soak for about 4-5 hours.
To create the sauce put all the ingredients in a blender except the spring onions, blend until quite fine, and slice the spring onions in to chunks and add to the mixture.

Return the drained cabbage pieces to the tray and add the Kimchi sauce, mix by hand until it is all mixed together, Taste and it should be reasonably salty, add up to a further 50g of salt if required.

Finally put the Kimchi in to some jars, leave in the fridge for a week, and it is ready to eat. The Kimchi will keep for at least 6-12 months probably longer.
Over time the flavour becomes more sour, if it becomes to sour to eat on its own use the Kimchi to make soups or stews as the soured Kimchi will add more flavour to these dishes. It is common in South Korea to make soups and stews with older Kimchi.
It can be eaten raw as a side-dish, or added to soups and other Korean dishes.

Wednesday 30 May 2012

Super Junior - the only one.

 I started to fall in love with this superboyband after i heard their song, Bonamana. Super Junior (슈퍼주니어) is a South Korean boy band. Formed in 2005 by producer Lee Soo-man of SM Entertainment, the group comprised a total of thirteen members at its peak. Super Junior originally debuted with twelve members, consisting of leader Leeteuk, Heechul, Han Geng, Yesung, Kangin, Shindong, Sungmin, Eunhyuk, Donghae, Siwon, Ryeowook and Kibum. Kyuhyun was added to the group in 2006.
Super Junior

I'm sorry, I love you.

THIS is the only drama that can make me cry 1 hour non-stop. Thanks to my friend, Gloria for introducing this great drama. I'm Sorry, I Love You (미안하다 사랑한다, MiSa - Mianhada Saranghanda) is a South Korean drama broadcast by KBS. The drama starred actors So Ji-sub and Im Soo-jung and the theme song was "Snow Flower" by Park Hyo-shin.

Mianhada Saranghanda

Tuesday 29 May 2012

Why I'm in love with Kwon Sang-woo?

Kwon Sang-woo born August 5, 1976 is a South Korean actor. I first saw his acting in 'More than Blue'. then i start searching for his other movie and drama.. stairway of heaven, daemul. he is super talented, beautiful and smart.

Three ways to leave your lover. Bye bye love!!

There is no way to end a relationship without someone's feelings being hurt. But when you know your relationship's not going anywhere, it's much kinder to end it, rather than let a person you don't love continue to date you with stars in their eyes.

Even if you hate to hurt people, keep in mind that you're doing them a favor in the long run by allowing them to find someone who might actually think their annoying little habits are cute instead of, well, annoying.

So how do you move on gracefully while preserving both your dignity and that of your date's? These three tips will show you the way:

1. Soften the impact
There's no reason for your break-up to be vicious. Have an adult conversation and consider the news from your date's perspective:
  • Sometimes, little white lies like "Someone important from my past has come back into my life, and I'd like the opportunity to revisit that relationship" spare your soon-to-be ex's ego a bit.
  • Likewise, "I just don't feel comfortable getting involved in a serious relationship right now" puts the burden of the relationship's failure on you, in the other person's eyes.
  • The truth hurts, but it can be couched in sensitive terms. "I just don't feel it's working between us," may invite some discussion or even some argument, but it will give you a chance to air your feelings. Be prepared, though, because it will give your ex a chance to share feelings too.
2. Stop the drama
Some people just can't take no for an answer. It's not only uncomfortable, but it can be downright frightening.
  • Avoid conversation. If your online service has privacy preferences, set yours so you can't receive instant messages from your ex and he or she can't see when you're online, at least until hurt feelings have healed. If you're not too attached to your screen name, change it. If you don't want to do that, avoid chat rooms your ex may frequent.
  • This applies to the offline world too: Avoid places where your ex tends to hang out. If you have mutual friends, be sensitive about their feelings and try not to get them too involved. If there's a party, find out if your ex is invited. You may want to make other plans."
  • Some exes crank up the drama-meter by resorting to slander, threats and other desperate attempts to hold on to a relationship when nothing else works. Don't allow anyone to make you responsible for their own life choices.
3. Be a class act
Ending a relationship is never easy, but minding your manners during the break-up helps both you and your ex in the end.
  • Don't trash your ex. It makes you look bad and bores new dates.
  • Don't lead your ex on. Even if it seems kind, it's cruel. Let him or her get on with life, just as you're getting on with yours.
  • Don't assume that all men or women will do the same things your ex did. If you're hostile toward relationships, take a breather until you feel able to approach new relationships with a fresh attitude.
When you're ready to deal with the dating world again, have no fear! Finding a quality date is a lot easier than you remember!

Monday 28 May 2012

Two birthdays in same year??

yea can.. one follows the gregorian calendar, the second follows islamic calendar..

mine are 8 may and 26 june.

Sunday 27 May 2012

Corporate downsizing, make the most of current situation!!

Nowadays, with lots of corporate down sizing, relatively high unemployment and a poor economy, many employees with jobs may not be inclined to complain about them. Upon complaining, one is met with the statements such as "just be happy you have a job!" Therefore, if you find yourself in a position where you actually do not like what you are doing, and you feel that it is not the right time to move, the best thing you can do for yourself is learn to make the most of your current situation.
You may now wonder, how can you learn to love (or at least like) the job you are in? The following are a few ideas to help survive those days when your heart isn’t truly into the job:

1. Analyze and remember why you joined your company in the first place. There must have been something about your company that appealed to you when you first joined. Was it the people, the product, or the environment? If the reason why you joined is no longer there, what can you do to rekindle it?

2. Find out what your company's reputation is. Many individuals are very proud of the company they work for. If the company is prestigious in the community, a leader in its industry, or treats its employees well, then keeping these things in mind will help keep you mentally afloat when times get tough.

3. Appreciate your co-workers. Going to work everyday is about more than just doing a job and getting a paycheck. You also should be building relationships with your co-workers; these are people you spend 1/3 of your day with, learn about their families.

4. Remember the product and the customers. You can take pride in the quality and type of product your company produces. This is especially obvious if you make medical equipment but what about cars or clothing or toys. All these things help make people lives better and safer. You play an important role in that.

5. Remember the Skills you have learned. If you have been at your job for any length of time, you would have learned a few things that you did not know when you initially got there. When you open your mind you would be amazed at all the things you can still learn. You can always learn more about the business, customer service, relationships, technology and slew of other things if you keep your eyes open to opportunities.

6. Listen to what your friends are saying. There are a lot worse places to work than where you currently are. People always think "the grass is greener on the other side of the fence", but they forget it still needs to be mowed (and weeded, and watered). Therefore, keep in mind that there are some people out there who would truly envy where you work and what you do.

It is indeed of utmost importance to love what you do. If you do, then your productivity as well as confidence level will always be high. But if you find yourself in a position where the timing is not right for your move, whatever the reason, use the above ideas to help you appreciate the job you are in.

Friday 25 May 2012

Jahitan manik crumble, manik 3d

Just learn how to do beading.. baru nak belajar jahitan manik. pening doh....

Jahitan manik asas
asas manik crumble

Thursday 24 May 2012

What to expect when u're expecting

new movie. kinda slow, not much punch line.. but love J.Lo baby. soo cute adorable.

Monday 14 May 2012

Khalidris personality

I did some personality checking with RCI PEAKS. and here is their evaluation:
"You exhibit a compelling Purpose, dynamic Energy, uplifting Affirmation to others, visionary or futuristic orientation to Knowledge & robust Sustainability
You are bubbling with creative energy, imagination and zest for new and varied experiences!
You are a highly imaginative person who constantly dreams up ideas for tomorrow. If properly managed, your visionary outlook will produce creative innovations for future success. For you, the sky is the limit! You value your innermost feelings and those of others, whether they be positive or negative ones. You are open to exploring broad and innovative alternatives, energized by change and thinking "out of the box" when others around prefer the tried and tested. You are exceptionally open to new intellectual ideas and possibilities, ever ready to learn and understand new things and to birthing new concepts. You are open to reevaluating traditional values and beliefs and would serve as an excellent promoter for culture change.
Compared to the masses of people who score on Knowledge, you are unusually creative and open-minded. You represent the top 24% of test takers in the world who have this unique combination of personality characteristics. "

Thursday 10 May 2012

Lawyers' jokes

Lawyers and judges might be educated, but that doesn’t stop them being stupid in court sometimes. In this excerpt from Disorder in the Court, transcripts from actual cases prove how our legal eagles and their star witnesses often trip over their own words.

A:        I remember my father-in-law calling me once and saying that Estelle was disoriented.
Q:        That was prior to his death?
A:        Well, it had to be, if he called me.
Q:        That was prior-
A:        Or it was a mighty long-distance call.

Court:             What is your occupation?
Defendant:    I’m a thief.
Court:             And how do you get along when you are not working at your usual occupation?
Defendant:    I’m usually in prison.

Q:        As an officer of the Dodge City Police department, did you stop an automobile bearing Kansas licence plates SCR446?
A:        Yes, sir
Q:        Was the vehicle occupied at the time you stopped it?

Q:        Have you ever tried to commit suicide?
A:        Yes, sir.
Q:        Were you ever successful?
A:        No, sir.

Q:        And what did you see when [the accused] pulled down his pants?
A:        It looked like a penis, only smaller.

Q:        Do you know how far pregnant you are right now?
A:        I will be 3 months Nov. 8.
Q:        Apparently, then, the date of conception was Aug. 8?
A:        Yes
Q:        What were you and your husband doing at the time?

Q:                    When he went, had you gone and had she, if she wanted to and were able, for the time being excluded restraints on her not to, gone also, would he have brought you, meaning you and she, with him to the station?
Mr Brooks:     Objection. That question should be taken out and shot.

Judge:            Any suggestions of what prevented this from being a murder trial instead of an attempted murder?
A:                    The victim lived.

Q:        Can you describe that individual?
A:        He was about medium height and had a beard.
Q:        Was this a male or female?

Q:        Did he ever kill you before?
A:        Pardon me.

Court:             To the charge of driving while intoxicated, how do you plead?
Defendant:    Drunk.