Tuesday 17 January 2012

Khalidris personality test

I did the match.com free personality test mins ago. the result are as follow. maybe 90% correct coz i not sure with my own answers on some questions.


You are an EXPLORER / director
You are a skywalker. You love adventure, both intellectual and physical. And you greet new challenges with passion and bravery.

When you get interested in a project, you can become extremely focused on it, sometimes to the exclusion of all around you. You complete it carefully and thoroughly, often with great originality.

And because you have a lot of energy and tend to be enthusiastic about your ideas, inventions, and projects, you can be very persuasive.

You tend to like to collect things, experiences or ideas. And you are eager to make an impact on those around you, as well as the wider world.

Although you enjoy people and can be charming and humorous, you are not very interested in routine social engagements or boring people. You are comfortable being by yourself, pursuing your own interests.

People probably call you a non-conformist, an original. You like to have good conversations on important topics. People tend to admire you for your innovativeness. You make an exciting, though at times distant, companion.

Your Major and Minor Personality Types
Your major personality type = Explorer
Your minor personality type = Director

E-Explorer - 31% N-Negotiator - 20%
B-Builder - 24% D-Director - 25%

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